Secretary-General of DAAD and his Deligation Visits SISU

On October 16, 2023, Dr. Kai Sicks, Secretary-General of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), and his delegation visited Shanghai International Studies University (SISU). Jiang Feng, chair of University Council, welcomed the delegation at the Conference Center on Hongkou Campus. Also present at the event was Ms. Anna-Lena Sender, director of Executive Office. Ms. Susanne Otte, director of China Affairs, Dr. Stephan Renker, representative of the Shanghai Office, and Dr. Jan Harder, deputy director of Chinesisch-Deutsche Hochschule at Tongji University.

During the meeting, Jiang provided an overview of SISU's development and its features in the field of talent cultivation and academic research, highlighting prominent talent cultivation projects and major scientific research achievements in German and European studies. He stressed that facing unprecedented changes worldwide, universities are taking more responsibilities in contributing global knowledge to society, preparing students for a rapidly changing world, and fostering communication and understanding among different nations.

Dr. Kai Sicks acknowledged the impressive contributions of SISU in German and European studies and expressed his strong endorsement for the vital role of academic exchange in promoting mutual understanding and China’s cooperation with Germany and Europe. He assured active support from the DAAD in enabling exchange programs between Chinese and German universities, specifically supporting enhanced collaboration between SISU and German institutions and facilitating personnel and academic exchanges in related fields.

The officials from SISU, including representatives from the School of German Studies, Shanghai Academy of Global Governance and Area Studies, and the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, participated in the meeting.
